Latest Xcitium CyberSecurity and Zero Threat News

Knowing Which Of The Below Is A Ransomware Virus
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 829 Views

Knowing Which Of The Below Is A Ransomware Virus

As users of modern technology like computers and smartphones begin to rule our modern lives, we...

What Is Meant By A Ransomware Attack?
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 616 Views

What Is Meant By A Ransomware Attack?

In June 2019, major news houses headlined an attack on the Baltimore city government. This wasn’t...

What Should I Do If My Computer Gets Infected By Ransomware?
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 1327 Views

What Should I Do If My Computer Gets Infected By Ransomware?

Are you suspecting a ransomware malware on your computer or you already got a notification that...

How To Identify What Ransomware You Have?
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 1193 Views

How To Identify What Ransomware You Have?

Ransomware has done serious damage to countless computer systems in recent years. It is...

What Is A Ransomware Attack
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 1364 Views

What Is A Ransomware Attack

You probably know that ransomware is a type of malware but with a different attack approach....

Who Creates And Spreads Ransomware?
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 1444 Views

Who Creates And Spreads Ransomware?

While we may think of the online world as a safe and nice place of fun and recreation, the reality...

How MDM Can Fend Off Mobile Threats To Endpoint Security
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 923 Views

How MDM Can Fend Off Mobile Threats To Endpoint Security

The modern workplace demands an inevitable need of mobility. Today’s business trends are quiet...

Ransomware Attack Definition: What You Need To Know
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 838 Views

Ransomware Attack Definition: What You Need To Know

Since WannaCry caused a global outcry, the average computer user has learned the term—...

Ransomware Cyber Attack Explained
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 1008 Views

Ransomware Cyber Attack Explained

Did you know that small businesses in the United States lose up to 75 billion dollars annually to...
