Latest Xcitium CyberSecurity and Zero Threat News

Computer Security
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 4729 Views

Computer Security

Computers have become a necessity for businesses and organizations. With much communication going...

How Endpoint Security Can Prevent Cybercriminal Activity
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 798 Views

How Endpoint Security Can Prevent Cybercriminal Activity

Is It Possible To Build A Robust Endpoint Protection System? The security-threat landscape is...

What Is Locky Ransomware?
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 4831 Views

What Is Locky Ransomware?

Locky is a type of ransomware. It was released in 2016 while security experts found that the...

What Is The Purpose Of Ransomware?
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 8349 Views

What Is The Purpose Of Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that impacts computer users negatively. You probably know the...

Why Do You Need To Know How To Protect Your Pc From Ransomware Attacks?
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 628 Views

Why Do You Need To Know How To Protect Your Pc From Ransomware Attacks?

Sure, it’s easy to assume that staying at home and using your computer primarily for personal use...

What Is The WannaCry Ransomware?
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 704 Views

What Is The WannaCry Ransomware?

Computers have become an integral part of the human experience. People would find it difficult to...

How Would You Get Ransomware?
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 811 Views

How Would You Get Ransomware?

One of the biggest cyber threats known to mankind today has got to be ransomware. But how do you...

How Ransomware Infects Systems?
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 710 Views

How Ransomware Infects Systems?

With the rise in ransomware attacks, it is estimated that organizations may be hit globally with a...

What Is Zeus Trojan Malware?
Editorial Team 11 Oct, 2022 1585 Views

What Is Zeus Trojan Malware?

First detected in 2007, Zeus is a malware tool kit that runs on Windows version also known as Zbot,...
