What Is MITRE? What Are The Efforts It Takes To Promote Cybersecurity?

Organizations are now aware of what is MITRE and how it helps with cybersecurity. People are using it to find ideal solutions to their detected cyber threats. Following this, they can take necessary actions to prevent attacks from compromising their data and system.

For anyone unaware, MITRE is a global knowledge base that helps people access the knowledge of cyber attacks, categorized in terms of tactics and techniques. It is the foundation for organizations to develop a proactive solution to specific threats.

The idea is to bring together all cyber defender communities for businesses and individuals to deal with cyber attacks more efficiently. There are many companies actively using MITRE ATT&CK to ensure cyber safety.

But if you are new to the business world and have digital operations within your organization, you must need a better knowledge of what is MITRE EDR and how it will help you deal with cyber threats optimally.

What Is MITRE? A Detailed Definition

MITRE promotes its ATT&CK framework, which implies Adversarial Tactics, Techniques and Common Knowledge (ATT&CK). The purpose of this knowledge base is to reflect the several phases of the attack's lifecycle. Moreover, you also get information on which platforms, operations or systems they intend to target with it.

The tactics & techniques are categorized to abstract the data of individual attacks to make it understandable from defensive and offensive perspectives. You get proper categorization for the cyber threat, and proper ways are recommended for you to defend it.

What Is Mitre?

It determines why and how the attack was initiated, based on which it will be easier for you to curate an action. There are numerous specified sub-techniques under the identified techniques of MITRE ATT&CK.

ATT&CK is an outcome of the MITRE experiment where the emulation of attacker and defender was proposed to understand how cyber-attacks happen. The idea was to enhance the post-attack detection of the breach with the use of behavioral analytics and telemetry sensing.

So, to get a detailed understanding of how well the collective industries are dealing with detection aspects of cyber attacks, ATT&CK was created for categorizing the threat behaviors.

Who Preferably Uses MITRE And Why?

As you are now aware of what is MITRE, you must learn who prefers using it on priority and why. The MITRE matrix is preferable to most security and IT professionals. They play the role of attackers, threat detectors and security solution engineers to make the most of this knowledge base.

The team uses MITRE ATT&CK as a roadmap for uncovering the vulnerabilities within the operational devices or systems and determining the attack surfaces. The team then uses measures to enhance the system's potential to mitigate the attacks by learning from the breach.

The information that the team gets includes:

  • How attackers gained access
  • How they move within the compromised network
  • Methods they used for evading the detection process
What Is Mitre Cyber Attack

So, if you still ask what is MITRE, then you must know it is an effective toolset that helps organizations gain a better view and awareness of their cybersecurity potential. With this data, they can identify the loopholes, fill the defense gaps, and prioritize select security needs.

Some of the members of the same team will use the MITRE ATT&CK framework to spot any specific technique that attackers are using against the system's defenses. Moreover, they prefer using it to gain visibility over the attacks that target particular defenses.

The developers and engineers who handle the duty of crafting cybersecurity solutions prefer using MITRE as a testing tool. MITRE ATT&CK is useful in testing the effectiveness of the security solutions to determine any possible weaknesses in them beforehand. Moreover, the developers know how their product will behave when it faces a cyber attack.

How Is MITRE Used?

If you tend to learn more about what is MITRE, then you should understand how professionals use it. Here are a few of the end goals for which MITRE is highly preferred:

  • Red Teaming- Appointing someone as an adversary within your team to demonstrate the worsening impact of a cybersecurity breach.
  • Adversary Emulation- Use of intelligence for assessing the security of the system from an adversary attack. Emulation scenarios are used for testing and verifying the system's defenses.
  • SOC Maturity Assessment- Determines the effectiveness of SOP (Security Operations Center) to detect, analyze and respond to security breaches.
  • Behavioral Analytics- Linking multiple suspicious activities for predicting any potential security breach. MITRE is used for simplifying the patterns of any suspicious activity that seems malicious.

Conclusion What Is Mitre

If you were here just to know what is MITRE and why it's used, then now you have a clear description of all of its associated aspects. If you are new to the business world and are afraid of frequent cyber threats, then MITRE will possibly help you overcome the boundaries at ease.

If you are still in a dilemma about what is MITRE in core implementation aspects, then connect with Xcitium right away. You will not just be educated on MITRE's capabilities, but your concern for enhancing cybersecurity defenses will also be attended to under one roof.

What Is Epp Vs EDR

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